Sunday, September 28, 2008

This is just Weird

Today we drove up to Medoc Mountain State Park to go for a hike.  The forest was pretty wet from all the rain we've had.  And mushrooms love wet.  I didn't intend to take pictures of all these mushrooms but I don't think I have ever seen some of these before.  When I saw the little red mushroom, the top was filled with water like a miniature bird bath.  I thought is was so cute.  Then as we walked further into the forest I saw more and more really weird mushrooms and I just had to take more pictures.  Some of the mushrooms were the size of a football.  Really!  If they were eatable I would imagine it would only take a couple to feed a family.  These things really kind of creep me out.  I can only imagine collecting these to toss into the cauldron with eye of newt.

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