Whoa! I can't believe I actually got two pictures to upload. This is what I'm spinning. These colors are so yummy. I plan to spin the two colors separately and then ply them together. I'm hoping to get enough yarn for a nice hat and matching mittens. I think this is the "mixed roving" that I got at SAFF last fall from Kid Hollow Farm. If I spin all day tomorrow, I think I will be able to ply this over the weekend.
Well today was a productive day. I made two pots of soup and two loaves of bread. Now we have our choice of either split pea or lentil soup and we'll have nice homemade bread to go with it. I wish I could share this hot and hearty meal with all of you that are smothered in snow.
Our storm last night produced a lot of wind and rain. There were tornados in neighboring counties but we escaped again without any damage. The lights flickered many times but never went out. I was glad to finally go to bed a little after midnight knowing that the storm had passed and we were safe.
The roving in the first picture almost look like a heart!
I'm new to spinning and would love to be able to spin something even like your yarn is.
Hi nice reading your poost
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