Monday, March 3, 2008


Finally, I was able to upload the picture of the shawl pin I'm giving away. It is a leap of faith every time I do this because I never seem to do the same thing twice yet somehow the picture magically appears on my blog.

So .... here are the particulars! This is a sterling silver shawl pin handcrafted by Leslie Wind. It comes with a yellow brocade pouch. You can see her beautiful jewelry both in 14k gold and sterling silver at All you have to do is make a comment on this post before midnight on Friday, March 7 and you may be the lucky person to receive this pin. On Saturday, my sweet kitty Daisy will choose a winner. Good luck everyone!


Michelle said...

Daisy, if you pick me there may be some tuna in it for you! ;-)

Pungo River Rambling said...

Don't put my name in since you already gave me one for Christmas. But I just wanted to say how much I love it and it is prettier than it looks in the picture. Your sister.

Opal said...

You're right it's a gorgeous pin! Good luck to all the contestants. :-)

Alli's Little World of Knitting! said...

Oh How pretty! Your friend is very talented! Crossing my fingers and hoping I can win something! I wonder if JoyB is gonna try out! That girl is on a whirl! heheheeh .. she wins everything she tries lately! I think she must have been born with a 4 leaf clover on her body somewhere!! GIGGLES


JoyB said...

ROFLOL. I just caught Alli's post . (Love you Alli.) That is an amazing pin. I have never seen one like that before. Would be perfect for that new shawl I am awaiting yarn for. Hugs to you. JoyB

Dorothy Noreen Hunter-Talbot said...

Your friend makes gorgeous jewelry and is very talented. Wish I could make things like that. You are right it is a lovely pin.

Agnes said...

Aww ... beautiful! Thanks for the invitation!

jstfrnds8 said...

I'm so happy to see such talent displayed. I would love to wear this georgous pin on anything I own!

dusterbin said...

Just caught your post on Rachel's group and my curiosity got the better of me. Beautiful pin. Hey, keep at this photo uploading. You will conquer it!

Gwen, a cat lover too! :)

JoAnn N. said...

Hi! The pin is lovely. Sterling silver is my favorite.
owned by 4 cats and 2 house bunnies

Stasia said...

Leslie does beautiful work, and how generous of you to offer a prize!

Thank you for the pictures of the daffs - we still have tons of snow, with no spring yet in sight. I'm getting impatient, and live for such sights via blogdom!

Aunt Kathy said...

Wow that's a beautiful pin. I have a contest link on my side bar and I will add yours there, hopefully it will generate a few more visitors for you. I love contests, I have one going all month long on my blog, if you want to enter mine too.

Heather K said...

What a beautiful pin - one anyone would be proud to wear. Kudos to your very talented friend!
And I hope whoever wins wears it with pride. It won't be me as I never win anything, but I can dream.
Smiles, Heather K

Pattilee said...

This designer truly makes lovely yet simple pins. I would love one to fasten my shawls or to access my clothing.

ozlynda said...

Saw your post on Rachel's list.
What a lovely pin.
Your friend is a great designer.
I'd love to win it.

Glad you didn't catch any damage with the storm too. We are just heading into Autumn/fall and that is when we will get ours.*sigh*

SimplyMe said...

Wow. Thanks for the link. She does beautiful work! Great advertising idea as well.

Janellen said...

I'd be driving you Miss Daisy if you would choose me for the beautiful pin. :-) WooHoo

Jan - Ruled by a fluffy Pomeranian

Bunny B said...

Ooo...what a gorgeous pin! It's really nice. I have so many shawls, but I've no pin ;)

I stumbled upon you from Aunt Kathy's. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!! would also look great in your hair :) Would look better than the tired old scrunchie anyway :)

Kenyetta said...

Came by way of Aunt Kathy, gorgeous pin by the way!

kimnkitties said...

What a beautiful pin. I am currently working on a mystery shawl, but my knitting time is sometimes limited by 'lap time' for my geriatic kitty crowd. One lap, 4 cats waiting, no room for knitting anything that requires a chart.

Hi Daisy!

Kim B

Kim said...

Oooohhh....I LOVE Leslie's work! Count me in!